Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tears & Pride

Happy Veteran's Day to my husband, my children, my grandson and many friends...

Having a daughter (Julia -- but Julie to everyone but the one who named her) and son (Jason -- he uses the name his mother gave him) (well, he is her husband, but is my son in more than law) in the military (US NAVY) I can state with absolute pride and tons of tears that the ups and downs of a career in the armed forces affects everyone in the family. In times of conflict, war and peace there is always something that is just beyond what civilians think of as stress. The never truly knowing what might come next, where you might be - always being aware that anything can happen and you are the bottom line. So now ... or a month or so from now, I have a third to pray over, be proud of and worry about -- this time my son's son -- Ed's son Scottie has taken the oath and is a member of the United States Marine Corps. My gosh ... it was an emotional roller coaster all those years ago (yes, it has been 20 years) when Julia "joined up" -- and now, my grandson ... wow ... time flies and while my pride soars, my heart is heavy -- I'm guessing that is a normal reaction to this news ...

Life is a funny thing -- oh, I believe there is a plan and that HE always knows what is going on and uses it for good only -- I just sometimes have a hard time waiting for the good to show up. Silly me -- His plan, His timing -- and there it pops up ...

Just an example -- my son, Bill ... in prison, angry, hate-filled -- comes to the Lord, truly gives it up to Him, lays down his anger, gives and takes forgiveness -- and POW -- after ten long years of struggle, his daughter is back in his life (and ours). God is sooooo good and his timing is soooo perfect.
I'm still waiting on a few things, when it is time -- the perfect time -- it will all come together.

Oh ... speaking of Bill -- the slide show to the left and down a little is of a few of his bikes, built from parts or lighters, pens, watches and such, with minimal tools (fingernail clippers are about the most complicated) ... the red is Julia's, the gold is his daughter's ... The ship he built for me -- he did have a razor blade to cut the planks ... and all the threads were painstakingly removed from cotton underwear to tie the sails ... Just a little of what he does to keep busy "inside" when he isn't working at his job or reading.

Met 11 new friends and their families Saturday night -- online acquaintances in the Where's George hobby ... such fun ... the age range (not including the children guests) was from 14 to older than me ... WOW -- and the 14-yo set up the gathering -- a wonderful dinner and many stories, news and ideas were exchanged ... If you know me well, you know I register my money online, mark it and spend it -- and never spend the stuff in the special unmarked section of my wallet until I can do that -- if you don't know me that well, just go ahead and think I'm crazed -- you may be right! I enjoy the game -- and have met some very nice people along the way!

That is all I know ... it is COLD outside, but not cold enough to snow, so just dreary and wet .. no snow angels yet, not a snowman in sight .... but it is early ... that drizzle of snow just got me excited the other day ... I will be patient!

1 comment:

Queen Sarah said...

Those motorcycles and the ship are AMAZING!! So was the gathering, and the fact that Marcus set it up! I'm behind on my email ~ I always get extremely busy in the middle of the week ~ but I'll catch up on the weekend.