Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hhcg R2 Load Day 1

And here is the rest of the show ... I sincerely hope! I would like to get to the finish line in the round but we will have to wait and see. Our bodies are at times fickle and will only lose what they want when they want.

For those of you who don't know what 'load day 1' means, today and tomorrow are the first two days back taking the homeopathic hormone, Hhcg .. during those two days (three if you are taking the rx type) you "load" by eating more GOOD fats like avocado, coconut oil, full fat yogurts, nuts and such and carbs as well ... this jump starts your body and prepares it for the very low calorie days to come so that you are not ready to chew your arm off with hunger the first couple of days of eating 500 calories! I had no hunger to speak of last round and am hoping for the same this round!

For breakfast I had a two egg omelet with turkey sausage, onions and half an avocado, with a piece of sprouted flax seed toast slathered in butter.
Lunch was full fat Greek yogurt (home made) with blueberries and half my rib eye steak from last night.
Dinner is RIBS ... big old fatty baby back ribs cooked indirect on the bar-b by my rib king hubby! Quinoa salad and fatty dressing in the mix, but mostly RIBS ... yummmmmmm .. won't see those again for a couple of months so going to enjoy them big time tonight!! Thinkin' of ice cream tooooooooooo!

So wish me luck, don't hate me when I'm finally healthy and down to size .. and stay tuned!! Feel free to follow me, as I don't get here a lot so you won't be obligated to read too much! hahaha

Friday, May 20, 2011

Saying TTFN with my Mouse

Here I am, back from my 11 day journey and up under 3lbs from my LDW ... after all the goodies we shared and lack of exercise, that is pretty good ... looking like a steak day is here though I am not certain when the weight went on as this is the first time my tootsies touched a scale since I left on the 9th.

Flew in to SeaTac and Julia and I began our journey from there as she picked me up and we headed south on the first night. We did give it up early and stayed in a hotel in Oregon that night since we had both had a very long day.

On Tuesday we headed towards the coast to go to Bandon, Oregon to visit the West Coast Game Park Safari and play with the animals. It was one of Turbo's first days in public, we were allowed only to pet the 3 wk old spotted leopard on his back .. but had an amazing time petting, playing with and feeding the 3-month-old Bengal triplets ... Truly (Scrumptious), Rocco and Piper ... This place is a must visit for anyone who loves animals. We were also up close and personal with a skunk, lemurs and ferrets ... not to mention the Llama's, goats, sheep, peacocks and such that are just roaming around. The people who work there actually take the babies home and hand raise them ... how cool is that? There are many full grown animals in the park as well, moms and dads of the animals raised there ... lions and tigers and bears OH MY .....

This is Turbo ... so soft ... Here are the Bengals ... the two are Rocco and Piper ... Truly joins them later ...

It was very difficult to leave here as you can imagine, but it was time to continue our journey as Julia's other parents (Dad & other Mom) were awaiting our arrival that evening in CA. So off we went down the coast ... The GPS knew a way across to I5 and we were in search of dinner on the way .. we found a beautiful spot on the coast to watch the ocean and eat ... kind of a hometownie kind of place where the waitresses knew what folks wanted without a menu ... from here we were a mountain road away from the short cut through the pass to Grants Pass and I5 ... uh huh ... that is what the sign said ... 32 miles to the turn off .. it was a LONG 32 miles ... we saw two cars and it was about two hours when we saw the sign pointing to the turn off around one more bend ... we rounded that "one more bend" to find barricades up across the road with a sign saying it was closed due to winter damage. To say we were a little frustrated is white washing the situation, but we were enjoying the beauty of God's handiwork and decided not to be upset, but to laugh it off. Julia pulled in to a house, walked up to the porch to find an empty dog run and a house that smelled like Noni's (my mother's house) when she was a little girl .. but- alas - no one was home. As we pulled out, I saw a sign pointing to a "LODGE" so we headed that way for inspiration ... nothing, zip, nada ... However, we did pass a house that was attached to a motor home with an electrical cord (not certain which was powering which) and when we pulled in, there was a large dog barking in the window, but of course, Julia got out of the car .. the door opened and the dog came leaping and barking .. just as Julia was heading back to the car, the dog stopped and wagged his tail ... he was followed by a cat that thought he was a dog and a gray haired (LONG), barefooted man, straight from the 60's! (BTW .. I was waiting in the car, no sense in both of us getting eaten, right?) Well, this guy tells us its 10 to 14 hours to go back and up the coast to cross over to I5 -- OR, we can turn right, hit the dirt road (that will turn into gravel shortly) for 14 miles and head on back to the road to I5 we had come in on earlier in the day .. so off we went ... laughing all the way about him calling the 'mountain boys' and letting them know he sent two 'fresh ones' their way ... long in the tooth, but fresh ... and Julia kept twanging the tune to Deliverance! As we came around a corner a bear about Julia's size was waddling across the road .. she thought it would be good to stop, get out and follow him/her, but before her foot touched the ground we were both thinkin' and sayin' the same thing .. hmmm, baby bear, followed for sure by Momma looking to make up dinner ... so off we went ... we encountered a bird straight out of Jurassic Park .. someone said it might have been a Prairie Chicken, but I looked those up and this dude was not even close! He looked like a feathered Komodo Dragon with chicken feet and a duck's rear end ... and he just stared us down - not afraid at all! We saw a family of deer as well, a beautiful stream, lots of downed trees and one vehicle with three men cutting up a fallen tree ... and finally civilization! OH .. forgot to mention, all those hours, no phones, computers or communication of any kind ... just wilderness. We made it just as darkness fell! Around 3am we hit CA and a rest stop and slept for a few hours.

Next stop .. Burney Falls CA ... Jim & Gerry were nice enough to provide us with a cabin at the campground they host at .. This is another MUST SEE spot if you are ever around there .. it is near Mt Shasta and absolutely gorgeous. This park is close to half way through the Pacific Crest Trail
And this is where it takes its name ... so beautiful! We left this gorgeous section of God's country on Thursday morning and headed to the valley, more or less. No adventures on this leg of the trip - whether that was good or bad is beyond me. We made it to Dede and Ray's lovely home in time to unpack, change and head to Jarrett's baseball game where we were able to visit with Jim, Andy, Jarrett and Lisa for a couple of hours during his game then back to the Cordell's home for a late supper (stuffed butternut squash to die for), wine and Margaritas -- we kept poor Dede up WAY past her bedtime, but had a great time chatting and laughing!
Friday we headed down to visit Bill, shopping on the way. We spent the weekend in a little B & B in Coalinga and visited with Bill Saturday and Sunday. Twenty-two months and counting!

Back up north to Sacramento area Sunday night .. we were trying to be nice and offered to stay elsewhere, but the wonderful Cordell's insisted we return and had homemade Pizza awaiting us! We did not, however, stay up half the night this time and we were able to feel a little less like horrible house guests!

Monday found us down to one day to visit with what family we could after Julia and Ray went off to enjoy Bikram yoga (not me .. thanks anyway).

We were able to lunch with granddaughter, Elisha, her husband and three kids as they had been in town for the weekend and weren't leaving until afternoon. Had planned to stop by their home on Sunday but they had gone to Sacramento already. We had a very nice visit with them .. the kids were adorable and so well behaved! Julia spent most of her time talking to Clara and Cameron .. she adores children and is so good with them. Mikey has gotten so big and made many improvements since I saw them in December. Wish we had the camera charged but will see them again soon!

That evening, surprisingly, we managed to get together with Jim, Lisa and the boys as well as Scotty and his wife, Sara ... didn't know if it was going to happen with all the moving woes and us trying to get out of town. The boys are so grown up!

So, we weren't able to see everyone or make everyone happy, but we did what we could in a short amount of time. We left after dinner around 10pm and made it just past Redding before heading in to a rest stop for the night. Woke up to ... uh??? What was that again? SNOW IN MAY???? Yep .. snowed off and on through Northern Cal and into Oregon ... was sticking in some spots but had been in the 40's and 50's awhile, so wasn't really building up much.

Made it back to the Island about 9pm Tuesday night, spent Wednesday repacking, shopping and running errands - watch the newest Harry Potter DVD, washed clothes -- we certainly fit a lot into the day, then went to Calvary Chapel Oak Harbor for Wed night bible study! We both needed that!

We delivered Julia's car to the shipping company at the Port of Tacoma Thursday morning and hit the airport for my trip home about 9:30 ... stormy trip home, delays, lightning, rain .. but made it home safe and sound only about 45 minutes late, so not too bad overall.

Short trip, long on running, short on rest, but we had a great time!