Sunday, November 23, 2008

Just enough snow to make me wish for more ...

OK .. I know 99% of you are groaning, but I LOVE the snow - it insulates the air and makes it feel warmer than the 22 degrees it is hovering around and it definitely insulates the sounds, making life around me feel pleasantly quiet and slowed. it makes even bare trees and brown lawn look beautiful .... besides, Scruffy thinks it is pretty cool beans!! He really enjoys the slipping and sliding and burying his muzzle in the white fluffy stuff! I just can't help myself ... think that could be why I moved to Iowa from California after all those years? I couldn't get Steve to stay up in the mountains -- "too far from everything" he said, so now we live in small town Iowa and still travel at least an hour each way to the city! Go figure! But he loves his home town so that makes up for it! Since I have not figured out how to put my YouTube videos here (DeDe I need your HELP!!) you can click here to see Scruffy in the snow if you like!

I am preparing for my California trip -- I have a ton of things to do and am very excited to visit with all the people I will see. I am visiting old friends I haven't seen in years, some of my children and grandchildren and some new friends I have only spoken to on the computer... not to mention my tried and true friends and my wonderful church ... Luckily it didn't snow enough yet to make me wish I could stay home, so am getting excited. They tell me it is still pretty warm out there -- well they are complaining it is cold, but 55 - 60 just isn't really all that cold in my humble opinion.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

So blessed am I

Wow ... here I was feeling bad that I would be flying on Thanksgiving -- heading to an empty house in California as my hosts will be in San Diego ... when what to my wondering eye does appear but an invitation ...

A friend in Washington state told her daughter in California that I would be flying out and she immediately pummeled me about the head and shoulders to join their family at the grandparents house as soon as I arrive -- and offered to put me up that night to lesson my five hour drive to only four the next day! To be honest, she didn't have to pummel me very hard ... I love this family .. from the time I was 14, they have been a part of my life -- visiting and accepting visits, crying together, laughing, praying ... they are just an amazing group of people and I will be so blessed to spend this day of Thanks with them all. I will get to meet the next generation (#5) I am sure ... Julie's grandson, Ryker! Julie, who has had more on her plate than most, has always found time to write to my son in prison, send him a book, pictures, a smile ... she is an amazing woman! I am so excited about this trip now! Can't wait!

I am working more and enjoying less as I get ready for my trip -- making certain I have car rental money, hotel money, gas money .... not to mention the flight, cost of feeding everyone on the three day prison visit (about $70 to $100 during the visit, plus other meals outside) ... etc. But it is always worth it, and I won't have to work the whole time I am gone, so nice little vacation thrown in.

Not to mention, my church in California feeds my soul in ways that I cannot begin to explain -- strengthening me for everything that comes along. My pastor, Richard Cimino, at Metro Calvary is anointed by God and gives His word to all of us in ways that leave me hungering for all of His riches. If you want to experience some of that glory, click on the link and check out a lesson ... my most recent HIGHLY recommended one would be Monday, Sept 29 as we explored 1 Samuel 17 ... just awesome!

Be blessed!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tears & Pride

Happy Veteran's Day to my husband, my children, my grandson and many friends...

Having a daughter (Julia -- but Julie to everyone but the one who named her) and son (Jason -- he uses the name his mother gave him) (well, he is her husband, but is my son in more than law) in the military (US NAVY) I can state with absolute pride and tons of tears that the ups and downs of a career in the armed forces affects everyone in the family. In times of conflict, war and peace there is always something that is just beyond what civilians think of as stress. The never truly knowing what might come next, where you might be - always being aware that anything can happen and you are the bottom line. So now ... or a month or so from now, I have a third to pray over, be proud of and worry about -- this time my son's son -- Ed's son Scottie has taken the oath and is a member of the United States Marine Corps. My gosh ... it was an emotional roller coaster all those years ago (yes, it has been 20 years) when Julia "joined up" -- and now, my grandson ... wow ... time flies and while my pride soars, my heart is heavy -- I'm guessing that is a normal reaction to this news ...

Life is a funny thing -- oh, I believe there is a plan and that HE always knows what is going on and uses it for good only -- I just sometimes have a hard time waiting for the good to show up. Silly me -- His plan, His timing -- and there it pops up ...

Just an example -- my son, Bill ... in prison, angry, hate-filled -- comes to the Lord, truly gives it up to Him, lays down his anger, gives and takes forgiveness -- and POW -- after ten long years of struggle, his daughter is back in his life (and ours). God is sooooo good and his timing is soooo perfect.
I'm still waiting on a few things, when it is time -- the perfect time -- it will all come together.

Oh ... speaking of Bill -- the slide show to the left and down a little is of a few of his bikes, built from parts or lighters, pens, watches and such, with minimal tools (fingernail clippers are about the most complicated) ... the red is Julia's, the gold is his daughter's ... The ship he built for me -- he did have a razor blade to cut the planks ... and all the threads were painstakingly removed from cotton underwear to tie the sails ... Just a little of what he does to keep busy "inside" when he isn't working at his job or reading.

Met 11 new friends and their families Saturday night -- online acquaintances in the Where's George hobby ... such fun ... the age range (not including the children guests) was from 14 to older than me ... WOW -- and the 14-yo set up the gathering -- a wonderful dinner and many stories, news and ideas were exchanged ... If you know me well, you know I register my money online, mark it and spend it -- and never spend the stuff in the special unmarked section of my wallet until I can do that -- if you don't know me that well, just go ahead and think I'm crazed -- you may be right! I enjoy the game -- and have met some very nice people along the way!

That is all I know ... it is COLD outside, but not cold enough to snow, so just dreary and wet .. no snow angels yet, not a snowman in sight .... but it is early ... that drizzle of snow just got me excited the other day ... I will be patient!

Friday, November 7, 2008


OK, the flakes were almost microscopic and it barely stuck around the edges of the grass in the really cold spots, but its a start! Was below 30 degrees most of the day and the wind is whistling through the trees at about 28 mph now ... almost winter ... yippee! Now, when it gets white out I will really be happy! Right now it is just too darn cold -- the snow insulates things and makes the bone chilling cold much more agreeable! It is sure to snow real good Thanksgiving weekend as I am going to be in California and that is just my luck. Seems every year I am in California for the first truly fluffy snowfall in Iowa- sigh!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

OK, I admit it ---

I had a gambling problem for years ... however in the past couple years I have given most of that up ... finding that I can play on-line with play money and satisfy the craving without breaking the bank. Works for me at least -- So that was just me leading into a pet peeve that is driving me up a wall ....
Many sites allow you to put photos up .. not everyone uses that option, but I notice lately there are a plethora of cute baby and young child photos on these sites ... I want to ask these people if these are their children and if they enjoy the idea of some pervert sitting at his/her computer enthralled by their child dressed in leotards or diapers. Is it just me? Do I watch too much television? There are so many weirdo's out there -- we no longer allow our children to sit in the car while we run in the store, they aren't allowed to play outside out of our sight -- the schools have lists of who can pick them up and when -- and these morons are showing them to who knows what kind of blithering idiot on the Internet. I slap my hands a hundred times a night when I see these photo's ... I want to ask .. I really do .. Not my place, I know ... but don't you think ... OK OK I will let it go for now.

Just one of many pet peeves (hey, I'm 61, they have built up over the years) ... and I just realized I can voice (OK TYPE) them here and let them go even if it is only a temporary release. What a great thing .... my very own soap box that no one has to read! I can rant away - I love it!

I think I am going to make a slide show of my son's motorcycles ... they are miniatures made from things like ink pen springs, disposable lighter striker wheels, paper clips and other such things ... I have no idea how to do that, so it should keep me busy and off the streets for a few days!

Happy Fall Y'all!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Hard to believe it's 70+ in November

Such a gorgeous day out ... and the leaves on the old oak tree outside the kitchen window are so very beautiful. Wish the colors showed up better here ... so many shades of orange and brown with varied colors of green thrown in. The tree on the other side of the house is just barely turning, an amazing phenomenon to me. Just wanted to share a little beauty as seen from my window before they all fall and become the dreaded ground cover that must be raked before the snow turns them to solid mush.
I do love driving around and watching the colors appear before the trees bare themselves ... reds, golds, oranges ... God's palette is so amazing. How can this all be an accident? So much denial in the world today.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

OMGOSH I am soooooo OLD!

Imagine, if you will, a 60+ woman who has been messing around on the Internet for well over 20 years -- yes, back when it was dial up only and just local BBs to visit -- and I had no idea what some people would go through to 'advertise' their blog and get more visitors. Of course I am from the last generation that actually took our coffee cups up and down the neighborhood when the kids were off to school and visited with all the other stay at home Mom's or night working Mom's (me), and we didn't need to advertise to make friends, we were just there, being friends.
Babysitting, running to the store for a sick mom, borrowing a cup of sugar (YES, we really did that!)
No need to advertise me -- I don't say much, just ramble from time to time ... get excited about other wonderful friends blogs, bible study or family ... no need even to read unless you just wonder what on earth I am up to these days -- I write "snail mail" letters to three people in my life now and occasionally bless another three or four 'special' people with cards and notes, but for the most part, everything is done via email or the phone these days. I do seem to remember a time when a book of stamps barely made it through a week -- but - oh yes - they were 11 cents and less in those days. Why are we so impersonal these days? Sending a hug on the Internet to 20 of our 'closest' friends just doesn't seem to be the same as writing a warm note to one who means a lot to us -- just ten or fifteen minutes a day, maybe twice a week and ~VOILA ~ we have brought a lasting smile to someones face. But I digress -- like that is something new for this old brain! HA!

Holy Moly -- gas was under $2.00 today!! I suggested in my naivety that we purchase gas for both vehicles since holidays are fast approaching, and in my minds eye I can see fuel immediately begin to rise again but my hubby wants to wait a few days to assure that it will again rise and we can pay our just desserts in gasoline taxes once more. Obviously, we don't see eye to eye on this but I gave in as usual in the hopes that it will indeed go up and I can justifiably give him the fish-eye told-ya-so stare (without actually SAYING it of course). Yes, indeed, I am a wicked and perverse old woman!

Am working late tonight selling Heidi Daus jewelry or Command Performance cookware ... something of the sort. Sometimes I love my job, other times it is so difficult to deal with people that I know I will be happy when I don't have to work any longer -- that is when the next five years looms large in my mind.

That is about when my son will be set free as will my aching heart! There could be an early release, maybe a year or more taken off, but we try not to think about that much - after 10+ years, getting our hopes up over anything beyond visiting day is not something we do much. We give the tough questions to the Lord and He does it in His time -- witness to that is finally having contact with Bill's daughter after ten years, many letters and packages ... some returned, some unacknowledged ... then suddenly and unexpectedly she was back in our lives -- YES __ He does provide.

So -- regardless of who or why -- if you haven't voted, get out there and make your voice heard on Tuesday .. it is a right and a responsibility to vote -- besides, if you don't actually mark that ballot, you truly have no right to complain when all is said and done!